for patients
Dr Marwan spends the majority of his time treating the general public for a wide variety of musculoskeletal problems, such as lower back pain, osteoarthritis and tendon problems.
Appointments to see Dr Marwan are very quick and he will usually be able to see you within 1-2 weeks.
He offers a ‘one stop shop’ clinic including:
An assessment which if required will include an ultrasound scan done during the appointment by Dr Marwan
A diagnosis to help you understand exactly what’s going on
Advice on what can be done to get you better
If required, Dr Marwan can do an injection during the same appointment, or book you back in for it depending on the circumstances
He can also refer you on to the right Physiotherapist or Podiatrist he’s personally worked with over the years, so you know you’re seeing the best
And he can organise further tests such as MRI scans if required, as well as talking you through the results and what they mean for you
If you need to see another specialist, such as an Orthopaedic surgeon, Dr Marwan has long-established links with the best in the area and can discuss your case directly with them prior to making a referral
Common conditions Dr Marwan can see you about:
Any joint pain, including osteoarthritis e.g. knee, hip, back, feet, shoulders, hands
Frozen shoulder
Tendon problems or repetitive strain injuries e.g. rotator cuff problems, lateral hip pain
Trigger finger
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Plantar fasciitis